
Training Forensics

Forensic Ballistic Services

From 2009 courses were developed and implemented for legal practitioners to provide a better understanding of technical evidence presented in criminal shooting cases, especially in the field of ballistics (firearms and toolmarks) and wound ballistics.

There is a special attention given to rubber bullets and subsequent injuries as this remains one of the most used non- lethal weapons used during protests.
This course has been presented both for private legal practitioners and to the Legal Aid Board, South Africa since 2009.

Understanding & Interpreting Ballistic Evidence brings forth, with the use of videos, animation and numerous photos and illustrations, the captivating field of forensic ballistic science and gives attendees an insight into the world of ballistics and gunshot wounds.

Emphasis is given in how to read and understand ballistic reports, post-mortem reports and what is new and current in the industry of forensics on a local and international level. Legal practitioners further gain a better understanding of technical terminology and the value of evidence.

After being invited to The Hague, Netherlands in 2018 by Justice Rapid Response in 2018 along with another 10 selected international attendees to participate in a course given by the IICI (Institute for International Criminal Investigations) on International Criminal Investigations it was determined that Mr. Steyl had an eagerness and aptitude in forensic field investigations. This course concentrated on techniques of criminal investigations, often during volatile situations in ‘hot’ zones across the globe.

Crime Scene Documentation, Investigation & Management

The IICI delivered a course in 2019 in Morrocco where I was invited to deliver two-day course on crime scene management
along with other members of the organization. This relationship with the IICI continues and can be tailor made for other private courses internationally on crime scene documentation and management.