
Wildlife Crime Scene


Wildlife Crime Scene

Since 2010 Forensic Ballistic Services opened a training division in Wildlife Crime shortly after a significant increase of wildlife poaching had become evident and the already threatened Rhinoceros population was coming under attack throughout Africa. Wildlife crime prosecutions were not proving as successful as other regular crime cases. Rangers, police and crime scene officials needed further training in wildlife crime scenes to begin securing prosecutions to deter poaching.

In partnership with Rod Potter, (Ezemvelo Wildlife, and 40 years’ experience in policing and nature conservation) relevant courses were designed and implemented.

Courses are tailor made to fit the legal and procedural requirements of the recipient country and local police or prosecutors are consulted and often present aspects of the courses.

Since 2010 training has been provided for and/or funded by:


This specialised topic assists crime scene investigators in formulating a hypothesis as to what could have occurred on a crime scene. This improves understanding of events usually leading to the identification and recovery of further evidence on the scene.

This course was developed for wildlife crime scene investigators focussing on typical crime scenes in wild areas. The importance of good photography followed with correct casting of the impression, which is supported by the necessary chain of custody records, are the crux of this course. Further development of the training course has led to a proficiency evaluation being offered on an annual basis.

In its basic format, the focus is on 1 st responder level and establishes a trusted platform for follow-up crime scene investigations. 

This well-established course has been presented to Police, Prosecutors and Wildlife Investigators. The course covers many topics in a progressive format from inter alia knowledge of the law, observation and note taking through to photography, sketch maps, managing crime scene activities and the gathering of evidence. The compilation of statements, presentation of evidence in court and evidence in aggravation of sentence are also covered. The advanced format includes the compilation of case files, linking evidence from various crime scenes, considering aspects of organised crime investigations and asset forfeiture.