More About Us
Forensic Ballistic is built on 35 years’ experience of long time forensic ballistic expert (firearm & toolmark examiner) Cobus Steyl. Using objective independent experts with experience brings a check and balance system to technical and scientific evidence already submitted to the court. Attorneys & advocates should have a good working knowledge of the technical information available in order to properly prepare for a case and ensure technical evidence presented by the opposing party is correct in all aspects. Having started in the South African Police Service and most recently running his own private practice for the past 28 years he has accumulated vast professional experience interpreting crime scenes, the related physical evidence and regularly gives advice in court as an expert witness.
Mr. Steyl is actively involved in most aspects of crime scene investigation with a primary focus on firearm & toolmark examinations and analysis, detection and recovery of footwear impressions, examination of crime scenes and/or exhibits for bloodstain evidence according to the established methodology of bloodstain pattern analysis, on request. Other
examinations include but not limited to:
Forensic Ballistic Services is based in Durban (HQ) and Pretoria (Branch) and we operate throughout South Africa, neighbouring countries and world-wide.
Our Pretoria branch is run by Christo De Klerk who is a qualified and experienced firearm & tool examiner with 29 years of professional experience interpreting crimes scenes and related physical evidence.
Christo De Klerk is actively involved in the collection, preservation, analysis and interpreting of physical evidence, shooting scene reconstruction, wound
ballistics determination, and expert witness testimony.
Christo De Klerk started in 1983 in the South African Police, in 1989 became a member of the Forensic Science Laboratory, and from 1991 was an active member of the Forensic Ballistic Unit within the Forensic Science Laboratory. He has been practicing as a Private Ballistic specialist / expert since 1998.
Ballistic Science Diploma
Pretoria, South Africa 1989
Certification in Classification and Identification of Fingerprints
Pretoria, South Africa 1985
Ballistic Science Diploma (3-year Forensic Science course given by the South African Police Services – 1989)
IAI Regular Member (International Association for Identification – member no 34930)
Institute for International Criminal Investigations, The Hague (Operate as a trainer worldwide to prepare experts for fact finding investigations.)
Justice Rapid Response Expert (Course conducted in 2018, Netherlands)
Association of Firearm and Toolmark Examiners (since 1986)
Presented by Bill Bodziak author of “Footwear Impression Evidence: Detection, Recovery & Examination” in Ft. Collins Colorado USA
Instruction and hands on experience in key areas, including the recovery methods of photography, casting and lifting from the examiners perspective; enhancement of bloody impressions; the evaluation of class and identifying characteristics; footwear sizing issues and the examination and reporting process.
Presented by the Miami Dade Public Safety Training Institute, Miami, Florida
Mathematical theory behind the formula used to determine the origin of blood sources and the scientific principles that dictate the motion of blood. Analyze, interpret, and testify more effectively in cases where bloodstain pattern analysis is performed. Hands-on exercises utilized to reinforce principles learned in the classroom and included instruction in the use of the Backtrack computer program for bloodstain pattern analysis.
to conduct verifications of accredited firearm training programs
BATF Forensic Science Lab-4 Credit Hours AFTE Conference, 2000
Covered: team building, change management, strategic thinking, decision making, delegation, effective communication, management of resources, functional management, financial and logistical management
South African Forensic Ballistic Laboratory, Pretoria 1989
Covered: laboratory procedures, handling of exhibits, primer residue collection, trace evidence collection, preservation of crime scenes, documentation and labelling of exhibits, protection of integrity of exhibits, & preservation of chain of custody
Covered: Firearm Training, Riot Control & Crowd Management (Use of Teargas)
Criminal Procedure Act, Collection of Evidence at Crime Scenes,
Crime Scene Management & Collection of Trace Evidence
Certification in Classification and Identification of Fingerprints (South African Police Services fingerprint division)